Monday, March 31, 2008

100 Things...

So, I haven't been "tagged" by anyone but I'm just using this as a personal goal to write 100 things about me! I didn't think I could do it (and wanted to stop a few times) but here it is...I hope someone is able to make it through all 100 and others find at least one interesting part! (Confession - I got some ideas from a few others (hence the "hodge podge" towards the end)!)

1. I was born in 1980 in Opelika, AL
2. I have brown hair
3. And blue/gray eyes
4. My parents divorced when I was 5
5. Both are re-married (dad when I was 8, mom when I was 12)
6. They are both Auburn grads and re-married uat (bama) fans - we've been successful at converting my step-mother!!!
7. I have 1 sister, 2 step-brothers and 2 step-sisters
8. My parents were married and divored on the same day (March 17)
9. My husband's parents were married and divorced on the same day (May 3)
10. I graduated from Auburn University in December 2001
11. Wish I majored in Building Science and Construction (not Finance) - like my dad
12. I met my husband, Kevin, through my sister - he and her husband were fraternity brothers
13. He is 8 years older than me (old man - hee, hee)!
14. We were married in April 2003
15. We never admitted we were dating to our friends and family
16. We are huge Auburn fans
17. Got our golden retriever, Beasley, 2 months after we were married
18. Also moved into our house 2 months after we were married
19. Had our son, Hudson, in December 2006
20. He didn't have a name until 5 hours before we left the hospital
21. I love my sister
22. ...I wish we were closer
23. Favorite colors: blue & green
24. I love wearing jeans...I wear them everyday
25. Am taking a ballet class...and wish I hadn't stopped taking
26. Love making a budget
27. Hate sticking to a budget
28. Love scrapbooking
29. Love bargain hunting and consignment sales
30. Wish I read more books
31. Addicted to chocolate
32. Also addicted to coke/cherry coke/dr. pepper
33. I love eating...mainly snacking
34. I could eat breakfast food all day - bacon, pancakes, waffles, biscuits, french toast, hashbrowns, grits
35. I get sucked into Orbitz Games easily
36. Would like to travel to Italy for an extended period of time
37. Would like to go back to St. Lucia
38. Would like to be anywhere it is warm
39. ...with a Mai Tai and/or Margarita
40. Love Lake Martin, AL in the summers
41. I love warm weather and warm nights
42. Like the "idea" of the beach but hate sand and salt water
43. My dog, Beasley, has an annoying habit of bringing us his KONG for a treat after we are settled for the night on the couch
44. We have a huge hole in our family room wall due to the previous owner's bright idea to put his TV in it and build an entertainment unit around it
45. We have an aquarium (fish tank) in it now - behind our chair
46. We are going to "hole it up" and paint it as an accent wall
47. We are paying someone to do this
48. Want to learn more about interior decorating
49. Want to design our future house
50. Hope the house will be in Auburn
51. Don't want to move to Auburn until we have a second child
52. Tried "science experiements" to get pregnant the first time around
53. None worked...
54. ...we "took a break"...
55. ...and got pregnant the next month
56. Can't imagine having a baby without my doctor
57. Ecstatic he schedules inducements when he is on-call
58. Only pushed 40 minutes until Hudson greeted us
59. Am scared I won't know what "real" labor is like with #2
60. Will be super tough to think of another boy name
61. Have a girl name picked out
62. Terrified of having a little girl
63. But I would probably sew more if I had a girl
64. I like to sew, but am "challenged" and could learn much more
65. Would love to own a maternity boutique
66. Love organizing
67. ...and planning
68. Want to spend more quiet time with my Lord
69. Love our Sr Pastor, Andy Stanley
70. And our church, Buckhead Church (sister church of Northpoint Church)
71. They started a new church in Auburn (Auburn Church)
72. Makes my husband and me siked about the possibility of moving to Auburn
73. Can't believe I use the word "siked"
74. A favorite Bible one chapter of Proverbs each day
75. Favorite movies: comedies and girly (but not too sappy)
76. Like Pretty In Pink, Father of the Bride, Office Space, Steel Magnolias, Ocean's 11/12/13 - you get the jist
77. Hudson doesn't like TV - except watching Regis & Kelly spin their prize wheel
78. I once ate an entire box of Girl Scouts Thin Mints in high school...for lunch
79. For those was something like 63 grams of FAT
80. I love shopping
81. Especially with my husband
82. He has an uncanning knack of finding the perfect items for me that I would never pick out
83. Want to tone my mid-section
84. Must kick the chocolate/coke addiction
85. Taught ballet/tap/jazz to 5 & 6 year olds and 6th graders when I was in high school
86. Love being a night-owl
87. Need 10-15 minutes of wake-up time
88. My first car was a white Toyota corolla
89. I have had 5 cars since then
90. Never thought I would be a stay-at-home mom
91. Am glad I am a stay-at-home mom
92. Need to have the TV on to go to sleep
93. Need to buy a diffuser so I can wear my hair curly this summer
94. Wish more of my friends had blogs
95. Love watching re-runs of Reba, Will & Grace, FRIENDS and yes - Beverly Hills 90210!
96. I am excited that Memorie will be staying with us a few days this week
97. Enjoy blogging more than keeping up with MySpace
98. My sister got married on April Fool's!!
99. My husband thinks it's funny that I sometimes refer to those I blog "stalk" as 'friends!' :-)
100. Must finish to pick up Hudson from Mother's Morning Out!!!!

YEA...I did it - and for anyone who made it through all 100! I'm not going to officially "tag" anyone, but I would love for April to give it a shot!!


The Reeds said...

Wow! I loved reading your 100 things! I don't know if I can do it, but I'll try one day:)

Shelli Adams said...

Wow! Very impressive list (& interesting, I might add!). Your blog is great and I enjoy "stalking" it! Hope it's Ok that I've added a link to yours on mine.