Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of Preschool

Even though Hudson has been in a MMO program the past two years, this year just seems different. It's Preschool!! They have a schedule and curriculum which seems so "big kid" to me. He's also going 3 days a week...mommy is having a hard time with that one, but I know when Little Bit comes along in Jan, I'll be very grateful. We L-O-V-E his teachers...Ms. Pam & Ms. Kelli. Ms Pam was his teacher at the end of last year and we were so excited to have her again. She is so loving and patient.
The big surprise of the day...Hudson didn't have a potty accident! He went to "camp" for 2 weeks this summer {3 days/week} and didn't have an accident, but I was uneasy about today. I don't know why I doubt this Little Man...he's such a wonderful, happy, easy-going kiddo. I couldn't ask for a bigger blessing!
{I can only hope & pray Babe #2 is just like him!}