Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's Snowing!!

Yes, snow! We never get snow in Atlanta! I admit, I was a little skeptical. I thought the news was hyping it up just to get the whole city in a tizzy! But it really snowed - there wasn't much at first, I thought it was too warm to actually stick to the ground & stay but by the time we went to bed there was about 1/4 inch or so! Most was gone by this morning but at least Hudson got a little snow time in! Here are some pics...enjoy!
If you look close enough, you can see the snow falling!
"What is this stuff?"

Baby's First Snow
Late Night Snow


The Reeds said...

The little man looks so cute walking around in the snow! I hope yall had more time with your snow than we did:)

The Martin Family said...

I love the confused look on his face! Ford was napping the whole time the snow was falling, and I'm a firm believer in never waking a sleeping baby! But he did love looking out the window once he woke up!