Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Yep - you read that correctly!  I'm finally updating the blog & we're starting where we left off!!

MEMORIAL DAY at Lake Martin

We spent Memorial Day with some wonderful friends we haven't seen in quite a while, the Graves'.  It was a pretty low-key weekend so they felt like they could bring the FOUR kiddos down for some swimming and "butts!"  The Kelly's also joined us - Grammy & Granddaddy McKee made their famous "butts" - Linda & Joel Amos came - the neighbors even popped over!!

The water was still a little chilly & it rained off and on, but there was plenty of fishing to do and food to eat!!

chilly water
fishing with Grammy
the "triplets" - Adam & Eli Graves & Tate Kelly {born 12 days apart}
Grant's 1st boat ride
Hudson Reeling in His First Fish
Hudson's 1st Fish