Wednesday, April 14, 2010

12 weeks...

84 days...2,016 hours..old!
It seems like yesterday, but looking back, I barely remember life without him!  He is such a sweetie - until he gets hungry!  When he's ready to eat,!
Last week - 11 weeks old - he weighed 12 lb, 8 oz!!  Chunky.Monkey!

He's sleeping 10-12 hours at night {finally} and naps off and on during the day.  I would LOVE to have him on a better "day" schedule, but such is the life of kiddo #2.

He loves watching his brother - he eats ~ 6 oz, 4x/day - he spits up A LOT - he kicks and smiles on the bouncer - he's starting to love bath time - he has the biggest, brightest smile - he likes to growl & have you growl back at him!

Enjoy our impromtu 12 week pics!


Stephanie said...

So cute and growing so fast!!!