Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mommy's Big Helper

Hudson is always ready to help Mommy with anything Grant!  So much that I have to watch out for random "I can pick him up" or "I can burp him" comments/actions b/c they may actually be happening!  It makes me so incredibly happy that Hudson loves his little brother so much! 
Hudson has been constantly asking "can Grant crawl yet?"  I keep telling him once Grant starts crawling, he'll be grabbing for his toys!  Hudson's response, "Yea, then I can show him how to play with them?"  Oh, it simply warms my heart - hopefully it was go accordingly once crawling actually starts!!

{the extra pic is just of my sweet boys in the St Patty's Day garb}


Anonymous said...

wash his little dinky really good, play with it a bit and get it hard then suck it