Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sweet Mother!

Woo hoo! Got my first blogger award!! How 'bout them apples! No really, April flattered me with it, so I'm here to graciously accept & pass along this honor! She has way more people read her blog than the 102 9 people who read mine...but humor me will ya?!?!
So, here are the rules...1. When given the award, you list 7 things that you love 2. Pass along the award to 7 bloggers that you love, tag them and let them know they've won. {Tagees: Don't forget to copy the picture of the award for your blog'orama...post & sidebar.}
7 Things I Love:
1. my Sony a300...best camera EVER!!
2. a Checked Off To-Do List
3. Breyers' Triple Chocolate Ice Cream
4. Cherry Coke
5. Great Deals...I always tell Husband how much I "saved"...he says "or did you just spend $$"
6. Blooming Dogwoods
7. Facebook & Blogging
8. Husband, Little Man and the Beas - what would my life be without them
**Oh well, I needed 8!**

And the award{s} goes to...{so go ahead & put this little cutie on your blog, and don't go letting me down!!!}
1. Beth at 'the Bowmans'
2. Crystal at 'the Farley Files'
3. Becca {in b/t feedings} at 'the Maders'
4. Kelli at 'the Princess Diaries'
5. Stephanie at 'the Pinckards'
6. Erin at 'the Sheltons'
7. Scarlotte at 'the Vaughns'


Bowman said...

YAY! Ohmygoodness! I've never won a thing my entire LIFE! I'd like to thank my mom and dad for all the creative genes, April for designing the blog page I'll never be able to change cuz I don't know how and finally, God for forming me in the womb. Wonder if he knew I'd be such a talented little thang?

DeLine Family said...

LOL!! I'm so glad I passed it along to you, goober! Take it and use it with great respect! I expect only AWESOMENESS from you, Mrs. Bowman!

The Four McGhee's said...

Congrats on your blog award!

The Vaughns said...

OH, MY.. I feel SO honored!! You are such a mess, Laura! :) About the bake sale.. I will be GLAD to pass on any notes. This is my first one so I'm definitely learning as I go. We'll see how it all turns out! If yall are in town that weekend you should bring Hudson down to Touch-A-Truck (the event that is going on during the bake sale). He will love it!

erinshelton said...

Awww.. .thanks! I feel so blessed! I have been stinking about getting stuff on here lately, so I appreciate the push to keep up. I feel like no one reads our blog, so this was a sweet reminder that it is looked at. Hope you are having a fabulous weekend!

The McBrayer family said...

you are so sweet to give me an award!! Yeah!! ok- problem is- I can't figure out how to get it on my blog! help!!