Monday, November 2, 2009

Only Treats Please

SPIDEY to the Rescue!!
Auburn's game against Ole Miss was Halloween which meant we would be there...not in Atlanta to Trick-or-Treat...Opelika & Auburn had their "Halloween" on what does any good, dedicated parent do in such a quandary? Have Daddy take Friday off and head to Opelika in time for Trick-or-Treating Thursday night!!
How could I deprive my very own Spiderman of the first Trick-or-Treating that he might actually remember!?!
Mallory was such a trooper and let Hudson follow her & her friends around. He finally caught on and would run up to the doors, only to hold his bucket up, receive his candy and return to Mommy & Daddy...his only words..."Time to go to next house!"
Hope everyone had a wonderfully spooky Halloween!
my little Spiderman
yeah...ready to go!
"are you ready?"
mommy & spidey!
figuring out this candy thing!!


erinshelton said...

What an adorable spider man and preggers mom. YOU LOOK GREAT!!!

Cara said...

I think it's hillarious that the two of them picked out the exact same costume!! It's crazy enough that their mothers think similarly and have simliar mannerisms, but for cousins that's just a bit weird.