Thursday, April 22, 2010


I know - I've barely been blogging about those precious boys of mine, and now I'm only finding time to talk about my Mommy Favorites!  Oh, the insanity! My friend April inspired me to finally finish this post! I can barely stand myself - Spring is here and it makes me HAPPY, so I'm going to share!

Bella Terra Exfoliating Gel - {disclaimer: I DID NOT pay that much for it!! You all know I'm too frugal!}  I'm even considering starting to use their mineral foundation.  And I L-O-V-E my bare minerals, but their foundation actually does feel better AND it doesn't need a mineral veil over it! Hmmm...I'll let you know!
Picasa - since I am "frugal," I, of course, like free!  But I love my pictures.  I found the free download of Picasa {from Google} and love it! Since I take so many pictures, the editing of them can get crazy out of control!  {With the amount of time I spend editing, sometimes I can feel Kevin cringe when I whip out the camera & computer.}  I have a fear that any other software might keep me from eating or sleeping!
And since I do love eating!!!  It has been hard giving up my goodies to get this baby weight off!  I'm trying to stay on track with all the awesome Special K eats!  My favorites are the Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein bars, Vanilla Cereal bars & my new fave, Strawberry Fruit Crisps {but I can't find them ANYWHERE for the last 3 weeks in Atlanta - Argh!}
To go along with the Special K eats, 'sweet' Julian has been motivating me {as in Julian Michaels from Biggest Loser}!  Not necessarily a "favorite thing" but it is definitely helping to get me moving to enjoy everything else!  I broke out the 30 day Shred DVD about 5 weeks ago - I started out strong {6 days/week} but have slacked to about 4 days/week.  I've been taking pictures each week but don't expect to see anything, any time soon!  {Maybe by my 30th bday in June - I'll feel good enough to show the metemorphosis}!! I have noticed a difference but I've still got many inches to go!
Some of my other favorites!!
Sony D-SLR
Bare Minerals Moisturizer
Swaddle Blankets - A LIFE saver
Cherry Coke
Margaritas - another LIFE saver!
And how could I not include some of the beautiful things in my life this Spring...
I love my Dogwood tree!
And my precious boys {even a sneak peek of the Beas}
And this handsome fella! {Dreaming of the golf course}