Friday, February 12, 2010

Be Mine

I've never been a fan of Valentine's Day; however, having a little one changes things!  Hudson loves his friends, esp. Olivia, and he loves school!  Naturally, my sweet-hearted little man has really enjoyed this past week of school! 
The kiddos enjoyed their class party on Tuesday by painting hearts and eating giant heart-shaped brownies covered in icing {every kiddos dream}! 
On Thursday, they traded Valentines!  I'm always looking for something creative for the class & have seen directions for "homemade" crayons in a few places. Once I saw the heart-shaped silicone molds in Target, I knew we had to make them!  It was such fun making them since Hudson was able to may be our new tradition!
Happy Valentine's Day!
you're supposed to use old, broken crayons - but those get thrown out ASAP in our house
ready to bake - 200 degrees for 30 minutes
all cooled off and ready for the bags
"you color my heart with happiness!"