Thursday, January 14, 2010

the Blizzard of {& Baby Watch} 2010

Well, not so much a Blizzard but when you live in the south...record low temps for over a week and a dusting of snow will send almost everyone into a frenzy!

Our 1/8 inch of snow was fun enough for Hudson to play in - unfortunately, he wasn't able to make a snowman like he so wanted!

"Look Mommy, SNOW!"

Sweet Man

Next best thing to a Snowman??  Cleaning off the furniture!  That's our boy!

Just a little static!

PS...Baby Grant Watch 2010: Dr's appt this morning - from Zero/Nothing last week, I'm almost TWO & A HALF cm this week!  Hopefully, all this nesting will pay off with a weekend/early week baby!  If not, we've got our next appt & ultrasound on Tuesday!