Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bday Celebration #1

Mommy/Daddy Day
Monday, December 14
We started with a trip to see Santa! He actually sat by Santa {with Daddy} and gave him "knuckles!" He was super pumped about the candy cane Santa gave him too!
Next we stopped for a quick birthday M&M Chocolate Chip Cookie!!
{Glad we stopped for the cookie} Because the line for the Pink Pig was a little long which kept sweet man occupied!
The "peanut place" for lunch! That would be Five Guys Burgers...yummy!!!

After a nap...the big surprise of the day...a trip to the "Big Boy Movie" to see Planet 51! Every time he sees the commercial for it, which happens to be on a Tivo'd show, he says, "I go see that!" Glad the movie has been out for a while and it was a matinee - we had the whole place {-2} to ourselves! I wasn't sure how it would go, but Hudson-man was awesome -- other than moving to every seat on our row! {I seem to have lost my ever so cute picture of him in the movie with his popcorn!}

...More to Come...


The Reeds said...

That picture of Kevin, Hudson and Santa made me laugh out loud!! It's so cute, and a grown man with Santa is hilarious! Glad Hudson had such a great birthday!! Don't blame you one bit for passing on the party:)