Monday, January 7, 2008

2008 is Great...?

While I am sure this will be such a wonderful year - especially as the little man continues to grow & learn, it sure has started off a little rocky! Hudson might be one the healthiest babies I know...he had two colds all last year!! And teething...I didn't even know he was cutting new teeth until I would stick my fingers in his mouth & find them!
But this first week of 2008 has been a doozie for our little household! January 1 & 2 Hudson was not a happy man...and was turning down food (if you've seen his pics, he doesn't miss any meals or snacks)! Well, on January 3 tooth #7 popped up - it doesn't look like his eye tooth - and it's not right next to his front 4 - but could it be the first molar!?!
On Saturday, he woke up a little earlier than normal and had a small cough. He was so happy & played and ran errands with us, we didn't think much of it. Well, Sunday morning came & we had a baby seal in the next room! The nurse at Children's Hospital returned my message & said to bring him in - it was most likely croup! All the babies I know have had croup at least once, so I knew we shouldn't worry, but he needed to get well soon!
Whew...all seems well now though. He's not sleeping that well, but we haven't had any all-nighters (fingers crossed)! He's still coughing, but no baby seal! As you'll see from the pic...he's back to eating!


The Martin Family said...

Hope you're on the road to recovery, Hudson! Being sick is no fun at all!!